Friday, October 7, 2011

2009 - "They are so wise at Supercuts!"

You rarely hear anyone exclaim such a statement in a Christmas letter so it's worth quoting. Go Supercuts! As before, click on the image to load it in full screen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Rutledge's

This is one of my favorites (to view, click on letter):

Send us your "Best"

It happens every year - I go to my mailbox and find it stuffed with Christmas cards and the most amazing piece of communication invented...the Christmas letter. This item is something that many people struggle with. It's their way of sharing their entire year in a one-page missive. I love reading these things. I don't know why. Yes, it's great to catch up with friends and family. But, do you really? What you get is a quick glimpse of what the author feels is important. And, I'm always amazed at what makes the cut. Some share a travel report. Some give health reports. Some fill it with grainy black and white photos. And some fill it with ridiculous facts that I could have done without (the year that I received one detailing some gastric issues was FANTASTIC). And, as crazy and funny as they are - I wouldn't want to do without them ever! There is nothing more relaxing during the holidays than sitting with a cup of coffee (sometimes laced with a little something happy) and reading these letters.

So - please share your favorites. Funny, serious, awful, touching...we want to read your letters!